Mature Porn Video
Big Titted Horny Neighbor
As time passed Chris, the neighbor woman’s name, kept mostly to herself. Once in a while we would see her going to work or coming home. A couple of times, when mature porn video we were having a cook-out, she would be invited just to be neighborly. Other wise we kept mature porn video our distance. Even so I would see her in her backyard pool or sunning herself and later fantasize in the privacy mature porn video of my bedroom sans clothes and sporting an aching erection. I can’t tell you how many times I abused mature porn video myself ejaculating to the vision of her. To my great distress nothing more ever seemed to happen mature porn video and Chris was only polite on the few occasions we would meet.
At the time of this writing I’ve passed mature porn video my nineteenth birthday and, sad to say, I still remain a virgin. It wasn’t from lack of mature porn video trying, mind you, but the all the girls I’ve dated and gotten past first base with have refused to go any further. Oh sure, I’ve kissed and petted and even gone so far as to have my hands on most of them, but when they began to respond mature porn video and find what’s between my legs they would all but run away screaming. Sure, now you must be thinking I’m some mature porn video kind of freak with a schlong fit only to be on an elephant or at the least a horse. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. Fact is most of the girls I’ve been mature porn video dating were just as much virgins as was I and, I suppose, would account for their actions.
I know it’s really not a very good style mature porn video of writing and things may very well be out of context, but the time has come to let you know the what and mature porn video wherefores about Chris and myself. Besides it’s my story and I’ll tell my way. First, I’m now nineteen mature porn video and really quite good looking. I stand six foot six in my stocking feet and weight right about two sixty five. I have broad shoulders and narrow hips. Sound sort of familiar? Well, you can save me a ride to the mine and mature porn video they call me Big John, really. No, I don’t work in the mines but most of my life I’ve been called Big John. Must be because I’ve always been so much larger than any other kid around. Now for what Mr. J. Dean didn’t tell mature porn video you. Nestled neatly between my thighs hangs three things. First my penis and below it my testicles. Male manliness wise, and I’ve taken measurements, I sport a proud nine inches of swinging meat and easily as thick as mature porn video four fingers put together. The drooping sack holds a pair of walnut sized orbs that seem to always be working to produce the thick white fluid a lot of women crave to drink, or have splattered all over their naked bodies or mature porn video just love to feel filling them inside. OK, it’s spunk, cream, jizzim, man juice or just plain cum. Whatever mature porn video you want to call it I’ve got it and more, I dare say, than most.
Now to let you in on Chris. Guys, you’re mature porn video gonna love this one. To begin she’s about thirty seven and drop dead gorgeous. I mean her looks and beauty mature porn video would easily knock your eyes out, but here comes the best part, her body. She’s tall, well sort of standing five feet eight mature porn video inches and my guess weighing about a hundred mature porn video twenty pounds. Don’t let that throw you just yet. Her hair is blacker than the inside of a coal mine yet long mature porn video down below her waist and very silky soft. She has deep brown eyes so sultry and hot they could melt the largest iceberg, even enough to have saved the Titanic mature porn video had she been there. Her neck was long and slender mature porn video made for kissing and loving, or it seemed to me mature porn video then as now. Looking lower she had shoulders well set mature porn video for her height and weight yet they seemed so broad as to take on the worries and troubles of the world.
четверг, 8 мая 2008 г.
Big Titted Horny Neighbor
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